(852) 2904 8878
Our History
With innovative management concepts and comprehensive talent training system, Magic Clean is able to improve its service quality persistently. After years of effort, we are much honored to receive awards and recognitions from different institutions and government departments listed below:

- Magic Clean has upgraded their employee uniforms to navy blue and optimized the materials for enhanced comfort.
- Successfully passed ISO9001:2015 and ISO14001:2015 renewal assessment (2024-2025).
- Award with「15 Years Plus Caring Company Award (2006 to 2024)」from Hong Kong Council of Social Service in 2024.
- Received Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification – Wastewi$e Certificate (Good Level) (2024).
- Award the Certificate of Participation for the 2023 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence.
- Our Subsidiary, Magic-Trades.com is launched New Premium Tissue Product – “Wood Diary”.
- Formal Declaration: We always respect to the Intellectual Property Rights. To clarify the facts, the case of suspected companies infringement of our “Company Trademark and Name” has been now handled by the relevant legal department.
- Our subsidiary, Magic-Trades.com has received recognition from the Consumer Council for our new premium tissue product – “Wood Diary” as one of the highly recommended tissue products.

- In the past year, Magic Clean has received compliment letters from a variety of customers, which fully reflect the customers’ high appreciation of the overall solutions provided by our sales team, and our professional and dedicated service staff. We are highly praised for the spirit of service displayed by our staff. Your trust and support are greatly appreciated. Magic Clean is grateful to each and every one of you. In the new year (2023), we will continue to work do better for achieving your expectations.
- Award the Certificate of Participation for the 2022 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence.
- Certificate recognizing Christian Action as a member of the Trade Advisory Committee (Pioneer Committee) 2023-2024.
- Re-elected as member of the “Christian Action” Advisory Committee 2023-2024.
- Award with「15 Years Plus Caring Company Award (2006 to 2023)」from Hong Kong Council of Social Service in 2023.
- Invited to renew 2023-25 Employees Retraining Board’s “Home Services Industry Consultation Network” member
- Received Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification – Wastewi$e Certificate (Good Level) (2023).

- We has collaborated with PCCW to launch a Promotion video that has displayed to all viewers on our official YouTube Channel to increase the awareness and more understanding on our diverse range of services.
- Award with「15 Years Plus Caring Company Award (2006 to 2022)」from Hong Kong Council of Social Service in 2022.
- Successfully passed ISO9001:2015 and ISO14001:2015 renewal assessment (2022-2023).
- Received Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification – Wastewi$e Certificate (Good Level) (2022).
- Invited to renew 2022-24 Employees Retraining Board’s “Personal Health and Home Services Industry Consultation Network” member
- Our subsidiary Magic-Trades.com as an agent of our supplier – “ZYBIO” SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Assay Kit which has certified by the European Union (CE). It is definitely your confidence choice! Hope all our customers and partners Stay Healthy and Happy.

- Our subsidiary Magic-Trades.com cooperate with Hong Kong Mask for the Level 3 face mask.
- Great Britain Drinking Water Products System & Ergo Support supplies
- Awarded “Manpower Developer Award Scheme” from Employees Retraining Board (2022 – 2024)
- Awarded with “Social Capital Builder (SCB) Awards 2020”
- Become a Affiliate member of the SME Sustainability Society
- It is discovered that a company has been infringing our intellectual property rights by using information and images on our website without our consent. And that our lawyers are in the course of seriously handling this matter.
- In addition to check payments, ATM transfer deposits, and FPS, we have added “PayMe” as another convenient way for customers to pay.
- Our founder has been invited by “Kong Stories” to share his experience. Hopes to inspire a positive attitude to the young people and keeps revealing the spirit of Hong Kong to the young people.
- Award with「15 Years Plus Caring Company Award (2006 to 2021)」from Hong Kong Council of Social Service in 2021
- Has been appointed as a member of Christian Action Training Services Division Trade advisory committee
- The new advertisement of minibuses has been published, it will extend everywhere in Hong Kong
- Now TV Finance Channel medical grade natural long-lasting disinfection interview
- Donate marks and anti-epidemic wet tissue to NGO
- Award「Manpower Developer Award Scheme」from The Employees Retraining Board (2020-2022)
- We hope that through the advertisement of minibuses, the public will have more understanding of our company’s branding
- Formal Declaration: We always respect to the Intellectual Property Rights. In order to clarify the facts, the case of suspected companies infringement of our “Company Trademark and Name” has been now handled by the relevant legal department.
- Received BOC Hong Kong Corporate Environmental Leadership Award 2019 “ Outstanding Environmental Protection Partner ” certificate and logo
- Received Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification – Wastewi$e Certificate (Excellence Level) (2020)
- Participated HSCB Living Business – “Building Corporate Anti-Epidemic Capabilities” Seminar
- To be the tissue supplier of famous tissue brand (Virjoy and See-U)
- Awarded with “BOC Hong Kong Corporate Environmental Leadership Award 2018″
- Successfully passed ISO9001:2015 and ISO14001:2015 renewal assessment
- To be awarded with “EcoChallenger Certification” from the Federation of Hong Kong Industries
- Award with「10 Years Plus Caring Company Award (2006 to 2019)」from Hong Kong Council of Social Service in 2019
- To be authorized supplier of PPP Air Purifier
- Award「ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 14001:2015 Quality and Environment Management System Certification」from「UKAS」
- Award「Manpower Developer Award Scheme」from The Employees Retraining Board (2016-2020)
- To be interviewed by “Hong Kong Economic Times” and “The Hong Kong Council of Social Service” to share the Employee Assistance Program service
- Award「10 Years Plus Caring Company Award (2006 to 2018)」from Hong Kong Council of Social Service in 2018
- Award「Corporate Volunteer Certificate of Appreciation 2017」from Hong Kong Family Welfare Society
- Pass Environmental Campaign Committee checking and approve to extend the Validity period of「Wastewi$e Certificate of the Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification」to 31 December 2018
- To be interviewed by “Consumer Council” and “TV Broadcasts” about “volatile organic compounds (VOCs) measurement”
- Lists in IAQ Service Providers, including「IAQ Consultants」,「IAQ Contractors」and「IAQ Control Facility Suppliers」from Indoor Air Quality Information Centre, Environmental Protection Department
- Award「Wastewi$e Certificate of the Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification」from Environmental Campaign Committee
- Award the 3rd「Social Capital Builder Award」from The Community Investment And Inclusion Fund
- Signed 4Ts and Energy Saving Charter with Electrical and Mechanical Services Department and Environment Bureau
- To be interviewed by ” Recruit ” about “Business volunteer service, Increase the happy planet index”
- Pass the yearly checking of ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 Management Certification by「UKAS」
- Award「10 Years Plus Caring Company Award (2006 to 2017)」from Hong Kong Council of Social Service in 2017
- Award「25th HKMA Quality Award : Special Award for SMEs」from The Hong Kong Management Association
- Award「2015/16 Distinguished Family-Friendly Employers Award & Breastfeeding Support Award」from The Home Affairs Bureau and the Family Council
- Award「Manpower Developers in the 6th ERB Manpower Developer Award Scheme」from The Employees Retraining Board
- Award「10 Years Plus Caring Company Award (2006 to 2016)」from Hong Kong Council of Social Service in 2016
- Award「Happy Company 2016」logo from Hong Kong Productivity Council
- Become a full member of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (HKGCC)
- Become a full member of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI)
- To be interviewed by ” Hong Kong Economic Daily News ” and ” South China Morning Post ” to share the experience of awarding「HKMA Quality Award – Special Award for SMEs」from The Hong Kong Management Association
- Award「2015 Hong Kong Awards for Industries : Customer Service Certificates of Merit」from Hong Kong Retail Management Associations
- Award「6th Hong Kong Outstanding Corporate Citizenship Award : SME Certificate of Merit」from Hong Kong Productivity Council
- Award「HSBC Living Business : Long Term Achievement Award」from HSBC
- Award「HSBC Living Business : Certificate of Excellence on People Caring」from HSBC
- Pass total checking (three years) of ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 Management Certification by「UKAS」
- In line with the long-term development of the company’s future operations and enhance the company’s corporate image, we formally replace a more dynamic and contemporary new company logo, as for other aspects of the operation of the company remain unchanged
- In line with the development of the company expand the business, Magic Clean launched a new website and features to enhance interaction with customers
- Award「ERB Manpower Development Scheme : 2014 Outstanding Award for Employers」 from The Employees Retraining Board
- Signed Energy Saving Charter on “No Incandescent Light Bulbs ” and “Keep indoor temperature” with Electrical and Mechanical Services Department and Environment Bureau
- Our company founder is honorable to be invited as one of the founding members in “Caring SME Alliance”, which is designated by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
- Award the top voting on the internet of the “Social Capital Corporate Volunteer Challenge – Most Innovative” category from Community Investment and Inclusion Fund
- Award「ERB Manpower Development Scheme : 2013 Outstanding Award for Employers」 from The Employees Retraining Board
- Pass the yearly checking of ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 Management Certification by「UKAS」
- Award「HSBC Living Business : Certificate of Excellence on People Caring」from HSBC
- To be interviewed by “The Official Journal of the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management ” to share the experience of HR management
- Award「Best Employer Award」from New Territories Association Retraining Centre
- To be invited by The Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management to share the management skill and culture of company
- Eight consecutive years to award 「Caring Company Logo」from The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS)
- In line with the company’s business development, management decided to merge two units (room 1706 and 1707) into one unit, this will take effective from 1 January, 2014
- Award「Excellent SME Award 2013」 from The Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management, only one SME will be awarded yearly
- To be interviewed by “South China Morning Post” to share human resource management skills
- Award「HSBC Living Business : Certificate of Excellence on Community Engagement」from HSBC
- Award「Community Investment & Inclusion Fund – SC.Net member」from Mr. Matthew Cheung, Secretary for Labour and Welfare
- Award「Outstanding Volunteer Services」from Hong Kong Family Welfare Society
- Award「HSBC Living Business : Silver Award on Green Achievement」from HSBC
- Award「HSBC Living Business : Bronze Award on People Caring」from HSBC
- Award「HSBC Living Business : Certificate of Excellence on Community Engagement」from HSBC
- Award「ISO 9001:2008 & ISO 14001:2004 Management Certification」from「UKAS」
- To be interviewed by “Hong Kong Economic Daily News”
- To be interviewed by “East Touch” to share the experience of manage company
- Award「5 Consecutive Years Plus Caring Company」from The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
- Award「Outstanding Volunteer Services」from Hong Kong Family Welfare Society
- Award 「Excellent Partnership」from Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions
- Award「Hong Kong Green Award : Green Office Management Award 」from The Hong Kong Green Purchasing Charter
- Award「Top Ten SME for Excellence Customer Service Award : Company Award」by the Trade and Industry Department, HKACE
- Award「Certificate of Appreciation on Skills Upgrading Scheme committee」by Labour and Welfare Bureau, Government Secretariat
- Award「HSBC Living Business : Certificate of Excellence on Green Achievement and Community Engagement」by HSBC
- Award「The best partnership of United Millennium Development Goals」by Junior Chamber International Hong Kong (JCIHK)
- Join「Little Hand Love Earth – Earth Summit」with JCI
- To be member of The Hong Kong Green Purchasing Charter
- Award「Certificate of Recognition for Volunteering Disinfection」 from The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
- Award 「Certificate of Recognition」from Po Leung Kuk
- Award 「Certificate of Recognition」from Christian Action & Kowloon Federation of Associations
- Lists in IAQ Service Providers, including「IAQ Contractors」and「IAQ Control Facility Suppliers」from Indoor Air Quality Information Centre, Environmental Protection Department
- Award「Top Ten SME for Excellence Customer Service Award : Personal Award」from the Trade and Industry Department, HKACE
- 「Volunteer Team」was formally established by Magic Clean, we organize and join the volunteering activities regularly
- Award「5 Consecutive Years Caring Company」from The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
- To be the first cleaning company to introduce 「FluEnd」Medical Grade Sanitizing Service in Hong Kong
- Award「Outstanding Volunteer Services」from Hong Kong Family Welfare Society
- Award 「Excellent Partnership」from Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions
- Award「Certificate of Recognition」from Sai Kung District Council & New Territories Association Retraining Centre
- Award 「Excellent Air Quality in Office」from BOIS
- Award「Best Employer Award」from New Territories Association Retraining Centre
- Award「Excellent Employer Award」from YMCA
- Award「Certificate of Recognition」from JCI CITY LADY
- Award「Caring Company」from The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
- To be associate member of The Hong Kong Green Purchasing Charter
- To be interviewed by “Ming Pao”
- To be associate member of The Hong Kong Green Purchasing Charter
- Award「Certificate of Recognition」from The Salvation Army
- Award「Certificate of Recognition」from Hong Kong Family Welfare Society
- Award「Caring Company」from The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
- Award「Certificate of Recognition」from Sham Shui Po District Council
- Award「Excellent Partnership」from Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions
- To be the first cleaning environmental company to introduce VOC Control Service in Hong Kong
- 「Magic Clean Home Service Limited」officially changed to 「Magic Clean Environmental Services Limited」