Our Team

Message from CEO
Magic Clean was established in 2003, is committed to providing our customers with a wide range of professional cleaning and environmental protection services. We are dedicated to going beyond our customers’ expectations to bring them delighting surprises through living out our core principles of providing “Professional, Efficient and Considerate” services. We glad to get the 25th HKMA Award (SME) from Hong Kong Management Association. The Association eulogizes Magic Clean that “The company demonstrates effective, systematic approaches and business strategies responsive to the overall requirements of the Baldrige Criteria.”
We are convinced that the meaning of the existence of “Magic Clean” is based on the fact that we are able to take responsibility and contribute to society. In order to maintain our competitive edge in the industry, we have adopted the “4Cs” as our long-term goal. The “4Cs” means Constancy, Conscience, Care and Confidence. We are committed to providing high quality services with “Constancy”, showing a responsible employer’s “Conscience” for its employees, extending our “Care” for our customers’ needs and demonstrating “Confidence” in our services.
The above “4Cs” is building on our responsibility and direction. In the future, we will continue to strive to improve the quality of service management, through the practice of “Professional, Efficient and Considerate” for the service management philosophy. Introducing of more environmentally friendly products and new elements, so that customers have more new experience to meet the needs of them.
Our prospect is to achieve sustainable development by further enhancing the standard of our corporate quality management, applying our team spirit, innovative spirit and care on different levels (including customers, employees and corporate social responsibility) and by our proactive approach to management.
Our Team